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About Me

I'm a

Hey, I am Ashish & my closest ones call me Rohit. I am a Software Development Engineer by profession. I am currently working at RepublicWorld based on Hyderabad. The technology on which I am currently working are Javascript, React Js, Redux, HTML/CSS etc. My Work Experience is 2 year and 6 months. I am looking for better opportunity to work in the Development Profile. I have completed my graduation B.Tech in Manufacturing & Production Engineering from Central Institute Of Petrochemical Engineering & Technology, Lucknow.

In my Free time, you will find me listening Hindi Songs, playing keyboard. I have a big interest in Music and soon I wanna try my hand in Guitar too. Also apart from Music you can find me reading novels, playing Sudoko, watching netflix & spiritual series, etc.!

Please scroll down a bit more to know about my Skills!

Download Resume
Programming C Python JavaScript
WEB HTML CSS Bootstrap
WEB ReactJs Redux JavaScripts
Tools Docker Git Jira
Programming C, Python, JavaScript
WEB HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
WEB ReactJs, Redux, JavaScript
Tools Docker, Git, Jira
My Experiences


Republic World | Front-End Developer

June 2023 - Present | Remote, India

    RCM (Rich Communication Messaging) Platform Dev Team
    RCM Platform helps Brands to connect with their end users through different channels like CMS etc.

  • Tech Stack - ReactJs, Redux, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Docker etc.
  • Whether API Integration - Gave Demo & POC for GBM to be introduced as a new channel enhancement in RepublicWorld Platform. Currently working on the Implementation.
  • Implemented feature Pool Id Management component in CMS config console platform to manage pools with CRUD functionality.
  • Implemented feature HelpCenter Resource Content-Adding component in CMS config console to manage contents with CRUD, FAQs, Upload Image functionalities. •Fixed various bugs raised by production team./li>
  • Implemented Whether API, Sport API , CallbackAPI & TemplateManagementAPI Documentation with the help of Image Optimize

Sanskritech Smart Solution Pvt Ltd | Software Engineer 1

March 2022 - June 2023 | Mumbai, India

    Front-End Team

  • Worked on DataOps Team (One Commercial Partner) for Data Management and Reporting to help business users to support their intuition with data.
  • Worked on ETL data processing, monitoring and validations on ReactJs Technology like JWT. Gained working knowledge on ReactJS,Redux,JWT.
  • Performed various priority fiscal month data refreshes on production. Identified various production bugs and fixed them


BAYES LAB | Machine Learning Intern

Jan 2021 - April 2021 | Bangalore, India
  • A vibrant startup community transforming drug discovery using Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data and Genomics
  • Implemented Kdeep paper for the prediction of Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity via 3D CNN on PDBbind (v.2016) database with a RMSE of 1.27%
  • Gained working knowledge on the Pytorch framework, ReactJs
My Learnings


Bachelor of Technology, Manufacturing,Production Engineering

2017 - 2021

Central Institute Of Petrochemical Engineering & Technology, Lucknow
CGPA: 6.6/10

Positions of Responsibility

  • Member of Training and Placement Cell at CIPET, Lucknow
  • Vice President and Secretory of Symphony (Music Club) at CIPET, Lucknow
  • Lead Member of Decoration Team at CIPET, Lucknow


Full Stack Development | MERN

LearnCodeOnline | 2021
  • Did a course on Tech Stack MERN - MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs from LearncodeOnline.
  • Implemented an Restaurant Data Management System with the features add, update, list and delete data records and learned various other things
  • Got a deep knowledge on working of end to end development i.e frontend, backend, integration of frontend to backend

Application Security - The Complete Guide

Udemy | 2022
  • This course familiarized with the common vulnerabilities that plague developed code can have and familiarized to OWASP Top 10 and SANS Top 25.
  • What type of development behaviors lead to vulnerabilities and how to avoid those behaviors when creating secure code. Building security in to the software development life cycle.


  • Attended Workshop on Python and its Applications with Python
  • Did "Inspire Internship Program 2013” held under “6th International Science Conclave 2013” at IIIT Allahabad
My Works

Employee Management System

2020 | Nodejs, SQL
  • Implemented an Employee Management System with the features creating a list of employee, add, update and delete employee records, pagination and sorting.
  • Implemented using ReactJS, MySQL, HTML, CSS

Restaurant Data Management System

2020 | ReactJS, NodeJs
  • Implemented an Restaurant Data Management System with the features add, update, list and delete data records.
  • Implemented using ReactJS, Nodejs MySQL, HTML, CSS

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